Taxi rates Alkmaar and surroundings

Taxi rates are calculated with the taxi meter
The rates of a ride in Alkmaar and surroundings are calculated at Taxi Alkmaar / 072 calibrated taxi meters, this meter calculates exactly what the distance traveled and the associated price. At Taxi Alkmaar / 072, the taxi meter calculates the price of the taxi ride as follows:

  • the ride consists of the boarding rate (€ 3.10)
  • a price per kilometer (€ 2.35)
  • a price per minute that the ride lasts (€ 0.39)

If the taxi has to wait for destination or interim destination, this costs € 42.50 an hour. The rates for a taxi van are about 25% higher.

Fixed rates for longer taxi rides
For trips longer than 10 kilometers, it is possible to agree a price with us in advance, contact us for a price direction.

Pay with PIN or Credit card
At Taxi Alkmaar / 072 we have a mobile PIN machine in the taxi where you can pay with normal bank cards or credit card. We do not charge extra costs for debiting the amount, but paying with credit card does cost extra. Ask the driver for the rates.

book a taxi
Would you like to book a taxi or do you have questions about our services?

Contact us or call 06 46224277 or 072 211 0101